Wednesday, April 29, 2020

3 Ways to Ace Your Performance Review - Hallie Crawford

3 Ways to Ace Your Performance Review Hallie’s latest US News article addresses something that stresses almost all business professionals- the dreaded performance review. Read on to find out how to get through it with flying colors. Performance reviews, like public speaking and moving, can be stressful and are not most professionals favorite thing to do. Many employees feel that they arent really relevant or accurate. Some managers view them as more of a formality. According to a Cornerstone OnDemand/Harris study conducted in 2011, less than half (45 percent) of the professionals who participated in performance reviews said the feedback they receive is a fair and accurate representation of their performance. This just adds to an employees stress and frustration about the process. When a performance review is conducted well, however, it can help an organization become stronger. And either way, performance reviews are part of being a professional, so its important to know how to handle them as effectively as you can. Click here for three ways to feel more confident about your next performance review, and ace it.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Using New Method of Writing Resume

Using New Method of Writing ResumeA new method of writing resume is a very good thing. Just a few years ago, it was very hard to write a resume and the main problem was that many applicants used filler words and phrases in their resumes. These fillers are sometimes mixed up with the information in your resume, but you never have to worry about this.With the ease of the internet, it is now very easy to get all the information that you need for your resume from research articles and from the websites of agencies. There are so many of these sources on the internet that you can make your job easier.Your resume should be very simple and concise and should contain only information that is relevant to the job you are applying for. You can start writing your resume after taking some introductory classes or after taking an online course that explains what a resume is. Once you have mastered this new method of writing resume, you can add the information that you want to include in your resume. It is your chance to focus more on the things that are important for a job interview.If you do not want to use this new method of writing resume, you may use this old one, but you should concentrate on getting your application accepted if you do use it. It may take a while to understand the new method of writing resume and to learn how to use it properly.You should make sure that you have a well-written application letter that is written very well and that will impress the employer that you are ready to meet the requirements that he wants for his employees. Your letter should also explain the experiences and talents that you have that can make him hire you. You can be as creative as you want to, but the chances are that you will have problems getting hired.The other great idea for you to be able to save time and money when you apply for a job is to go online and look for sample resumes for the companies that you want to apply for. These samples will save you time in preparing your own resume and also you will not have to worry about the grammar and spelling mistakes that you usually make in your application.Using the samples that you find online will not only save you a lot of time, but you will also find that they are very good at telling you how to format your resume, including the use of bullet points and lists. For a better chance of getting hired, you can consider using these samples as your sample for your own resume.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Is the Gig Economy Fake

Is the Gig Economy Fake The explosion of on-demand sharing services through smartphone apps like Uber has produced talk of the new “gig economy,” where people increasingly work as self-employed independent contractors. That concept may be dashed by a lawsuit brought against Uber, charging that their workers are actually employees and not independent contractors. In the meantime, there is significant argument as to whether the new gig economy exists at all, or if it is just overhyped reporting on typical conditions. The Wall Street Journal posited that “Proof of a Gig Economy Revolution Is Hard to Find,” citing Labor Department statistics showing that the percentage of Americans classified as self-employed and unincorporated has been on a steady decline since 1995. Approximately 6.5% of Americans are self-employed, as compared to 8.5% in 1995. It is possible that people could be dabbling in the gig economy as a side job, but the number of Americans holding down multiple jobs has also been decreasing steadily. Neither self-employment nor multiple-job numbers indicate any sort of an upward trend. If the gig economy exists, it has not shown up yet in Labor Department Statistics. Read Next: What it Takes to Make $2,000 a Week Working for TaskRabbit Other estimates include the Government Accounting Office (GAO) tally of a contingent workforce including on-call and temporary workers. The GAO determined this contingent workforce is approximately 8% of the total, but without a frame of reference, it is hard to call that evidence of an increasing gig economy. According to Forbes, one of the conclusions of the GAO report may hold the real answer: depending on the exact definitions used, the contingent workforce could be assumed to be anywhere between 5% and 30%. Economists Larry Katz of Harvard and Alan Krueger of Princeton found fuzzy definitions in interviewing those in the gig economy, noting that a majority of those who have a regular job in addition to gig employment do not consider the gig employment as a “regular job” and thus do not report having multiple jobs in standard government surveys. Katz and Krueger argue that there is evidence that the gig economy is expanding, primarily in tax information. The share of workers receiving 1099 forms and filing Schedule C forms, the necessary evils of self-employment, is on the increase even though the standard self-employment measures from the Labor Department are down. This backs up the premise of a significant unreported slice of the gig economy. Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI) compiled data from the Census Bureau and Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and produced charts showing a decline in the number of traditional 9-to-5 full-time employees and an increase in the number of independent contractors, based on the ability to receive less than full wages and benefits in return for job flexibility. Definitions and reporting criteria may be the reason for the divergence from Labor Department values. So is there a new gig economy revolution, or are we just slapping a new name on an old situation? The gig economy may be based more on perception, such as the staggering market valuation of companies like Uber, compared to their actual effect on employment. It is also possible that the gig economy has not yet made it to standard Labor Department data, either through natural time lags or underreporting. Either way, it seems likely that opportunities for a gig economy revolution are increasing, but it is too early to say that the revolution has arrived. Let’s see what happens after a year or two of on-demand company expansions, legal challenges, and the response of an economy mired in slow growth and desperate for an increase in full-time jobs. More From MoneyTips: Top Retirement Planning Mistakes of the Self-Employed Best Paying Part-Time Jobs Retirement and the Self-Employed Video Player is loading.Play VideoPlayMuteCurrent Time  0:00/Duration  0:00Loaded: 0%Stream Type  LIVESeek to live, currently playing liveLIVERemaining Time  -0:00  SharePlayback Rate1xChaptersChaptersDescriptionsdescriptions off, selectedCaptionscaptions settings, opens captions settings dialogcaptions off, selectedAudio TrackFullscreenThis is a modal window.Beginning of dialog window. 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